Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day Part Two

Kevin got lucky this year with two Father's Days......but he deserves one every Sunday, so hopefully he just felt extra special! We went to Ithaca on Saturday to one of our favorite places, the Ithaca Science Center. It was really fun with the one of the special themes being earthquakes. We enjoyed all building a building to see which one would with stand an earthquake. Cian's actually did the best with a little meddling from Mom and Dad. We went to lunch and did some errands and then came home to build the train set that has been sitting in a box for almost two years. Cian had shown no interest in it so we put it away and occasionally got it out to see if he had changed his mind. The last time it was out was around Cian's birthday in February...again no interest. We had made up our minds to try to sell it on Ebay and wouldn't you know...Cian is fascinated with it now. He has spent almost every moment this weekend playing with it. I guess that it will be sticking with us for a little while longer :'). It is so fun to watch Cian and Kevin play. They have had a great time making the train track just to Cian's liking and Kevin has been having fun showing Cian that crashes can be funny! Cian did not like it when his train crashed at first. Today, we are staying home and enjoying being together. Kevin of course is not capable of taking it easy and he is finding projects to do.

It was also Kevin and my 11th wedding anniversary last Thursday. Words cannot describe my love for him. I am so lucky to be able to spend my life with him. He is truly an amazing, caring husband and father.

1 comment:

rlmquest said...

Happy anniversary! I am glad you guys are still in love!!!! Kevin sounds like me...I am always finding projects to do!