Sunday, June 14, 2009

Father's Day Part One

I was absolutely, positively convinced that this weekend was Father's Day. Cian had wrapped and hid his present for Kevin, my class had made a gift for their Dads and we had packed our car to visit Kevin's Dad for a short trip Friday into Saturday. I had even convinced some teachers at school that it was Father's Day weekend. For some reason I always thought Father's Day was the second Sunday in June. Lindsey, Kevin's sister called Friday around 11:30 to ask if we wanted to meet in Ithaca for dinner that night...when I told her of our Father's Day plans she said, "You know Father's Day is next weekend...right?"! I was mortified. Cian was just not going to understand that he had to wait a whole week to give Kevin his gift, I had already asked work if I could leave work early that afternoon for our trip to Rochester and I had to explain to the three teachers that I was wrong about our Father's Day conversation. So...we still went to Rochester for a short trip to see Kevin's Dad (I had to be back for a fundraiser for school on Saturday) and this morning we pretended like it was Father's Day for Kevin. Cian gave him his gift....a cereal bowl he glazed at a local pottery shop. I told Kevin that he could have two special days this year. He deserves it anyway...Kevin is an AWESOME Dad! Cian and I are so lucky to have him!

1 comment:

rlmquest said...

Sooooooo funny!!! We had a good laugh! Happy Father's Day Kev!!!!