Friday, December 19, 2008


Today was one of those days that made me miss being a stay at home mom. We had a snow storm so school was cancelled. Kevin took our four wheeled SUV to work, so Cian and I were literally stuck. I didn't dare take Kevin's car out. I am not good at stick shift. We got so much done...the house got a top to bottom cleaning which it desperately needed. I was able to make a homemade lunch and dinner for the fam(I would love to be a good cook...but its just not there) and we played outside in the snow. I miss having the time to actually feel like everything is in its place. Cian also got to do some crafts. I just love how fingerpainting turned into finger, hand, wrist, arm and elbow painting. ;-)

Cian loved playing outside. The neighbor boys were sledding down our street(we live at the top of a pretty steep hill). We went out to join them and Cian had a blast. He loves playing with other kids especially Cade and Tabor. He wants to knock on their door every day. I try to discourage it because of the age difference, but we give in when they are already outside. Cade is in 3rd grade and Tabor is in 8th grade. They are a nice family and treat Cian very well.

Cian had a great week in school. His teacher asked me if I had had a pep talk with him on Thursday. She said he was not quite himself. That got me a little worried so I asked her to explain. She said, "well.....He's being sooooo cooperative". I laughed out loud. That is truly Cian. He is a good boy, yet he has a mind of his own. He is stubborn and would argue that a zebra's stripes were yellow and purple if he set his mind to it. She continued to say that Cian has just been extra good this week. We are all glad for that. We are super excited for Christmas and now it appears as if we will have a white one. Yeah!


rlmquest said...

Erin- What fun! We had a full week off from school! We are suppose to get another 4-10inches today and an ice storm tomorrow!

Cian's Mommy said...

Holy Cow! I am happy that the kids can have a white Christmas too. We miss you guys!

Jennifer said...

That looks like lots of fun! We had no school as well we shoveled and the kids played outside. We were supposed to go on the Polar Express with my dad in Utica and we couldn't because of all the snow! Austin wishes I would let him finger paint like that!!!