Friday, December 5, 2008

Fine....I won't love my teacher anymore!

So Cian's teacher sends home a daily note giving happy and sad faces for certain tasks throughout the day. Cian almost always gets all happy faces (he has gotten one sad face so far this year), but today he got another sad face for not sharing during centers. We always check his sheet when he gets home and today was no different. I think we both expected to see all happy faces....but there alas a sad face. Cian's actual face went to a sad face and he said without any comment from me yet, "Fine....I won't love my teacher anymore!". I had to hide my face from smiling. It was too cute. Of course we talked about sharing and how important it is, but Cian was still so transfixed on how his teacher could do this to him. We eventually let it drop. He is so stubborn and sensitive! Luckily we have next week off from school. Hopefully he will forget about his decision to not love his teacher anymore!

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