Friday, December 12, 2008

Our "Crazy Cookie" Week

Cian and I were lucky enough to have this whole week off from school and the plan was to make all of our Christmas cookies throughout the week. I told Cian that we were going to have a a crazy cookie week and the name just stuck. We made a lot of different types of cookies and Cian helped me with all of them. I was so impressed with his willingness to "help" me day after day. He loved every aspect of the process, from the beginning to the end(eating the cookies). He reminds me so much of Kevin. I am fortunate enough to have a husband who also likes to cook and bake. Kevin had to work so he unfortunately was not able to partake of the fun. We missed him. (He worked from home on Friday, so at least we got to see him.) Cian is really excited to take our cookie plates to our neighbors. He is a really social kid and loves to go to our neighbor's homes. (We don't know where he gets this from, Kevin and I are just fine keeping to ourselves.) Besides baking cookies, we had two play dates, went to Cian's friend's birthday party, went on a lunch date and played in the snow. I can honestly say we wasted not a minute of our week off. I am so lucky to have such a fun kid to do things with. We have done a lot of fun things this year, but my favorite memories are the ones that happened without any big planning. I cherish these moments when we are just living life. "That's what she said";-)

1 comment:

rlmquest said...

What a fun week! You are such a great mom, Erin!