Monday, January 26, 2009

Forever? Forever!

We jokingly ask Cian if he will live with us forever every now and again. He always agrees even if his replies show he doesn't quite understand what that means for him. He has said that when he grows up I can be the mommy of his kids(I had to refrain from laughing when Cian told me this one) or that he will buy our neighbor's house and live next door to us. Of course, we tell him that we like that idea. It is so cute to hear his plans for his future. This week he is going to be a mailman when he grows up. He wanted to know how he can become a mailman. I told him we will have to catch our mailman soon and ask him. He is also very sure that he is going to have lots of kids....all boys. In reality, I wish we could have him forever. I am sure that will change when he get older. But, right now I cannot fathom him ever moving out. We are having such a great time with him. I am so glad that Cian can mush my heart with his hardy stance of staying with mommy and daddy forever. Even though I know it is not true. We watch old family videos at least once a week. It is so sweet to see how much he has grown and how he is still the same as when he was a little baby. I have so many videos of us trying to get him to eat from 6 months till recently. In all of these we struggle with getting him to eat. We still do. Just last weekend we saw a clip of "tummy time". I was instantly reminded of how Cian hated that. He would just lay there and cry. He wouldn't even try. It is funny now too, because he still sometimes cries about things without even trying. I also love seeing how his talking has changed. He was not very verbal as a baby. Wow...this has changed. For a while there he would not stop talking. He is a "thinker" just like Kevin. He asks a lot of questions and wants definite answers. No maybes or I don't knows. It really stinks when we really don't know an answer. Anyway, as of the moment Cian will be living with us forever. wink, wink!

1 comment:

rlmquest said...

Emma saw Cian's pic on your blog and said "Is that me mom?". Their eyes are very similar! I want my kids to live with me forever too!!!!!!!!