Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fluffy Gets A New Friend!

We are watching Miss Tweety from school for the remainder of vacation and Fluffy does not know what to do with himself. We got Fluffy last November(2007) and he has been the best cat I have ever had. He is so friendly and patient with Cian. He would be perfect except for the shedding. His name is Fluffy for a good reason. He used to be an indoor/outdoor cat and he loved chasing birdies. Unfortunetly, he had to become a indoor cat after someone shot him with a pellet gun(we still don't know who). He has so missed the outside. We weren't sure how he would react with a bird in the house. He has not left the side of the cage. It is so funny to watch. the bird is not afraid at all. She provokes him actually. What a hoot.

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