Monday, January 26, 2009

Forever? Forever!

We jokingly ask Cian if he will live with us forever every now and again. He always agrees even if his replies show he doesn't quite understand what that means for him. He has said that when he grows up I can be the mommy of his kids(I had to refrain from laughing when Cian told me this one) or that he will buy our neighbor's house and live next door to us. Of course, we tell him that we like that idea. It is so cute to hear his plans for his future. This week he is going to be a mailman when he grows up. He wanted to know how he can become a mailman. I told him we will have to catch our mailman soon and ask him. He is also very sure that he is going to have lots of kids....all boys. In reality, I wish we could have him forever. I am sure that will change when he get older. But, right now I cannot fathom him ever moving out. We are having such a great time with him. I am so glad that Cian can mush my heart with his hardy stance of staying with mommy and daddy forever. Even though I know it is not true. We watch old family videos at least once a week. It is so sweet to see how much he has grown and how he is still the same as when he was a little baby. I have so many videos of us trying to get him to eat from 6 months till recently. In all of these we struggle with getting him to eat. We still do. Just last weekend we saw a clip of "tummy time". I was instantly reminded of how Cian hated that. He would just lay there and cry. He wouldn't even try. It is funny now too, because he still sometimes cries about things without even trying. I also love seeing how his talking has changed. He was not very verbal as a baby. Wow...this has changed. For a while there he would not stop talking. He is a "thinker" just like Kevin. He asks a lot of questions and wants definite answers. No maybes or I don't knows. It really stinks when we really don't know an answer. Anyway, as of the moment Cian will be living with us forever. wink, wink!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Well... we tried down hill skiing this weekend and it was not awful, but it was not great either. I could definitely see the possibilities of fun but, they were just a little out of reach for this trip. We went with a group of people from school. It is always hard going place with a group. To make a long story short, by the time we actually got to skiing Cian had been bundled up for almost three hours. Needless to say, he was already tired, hungry and needed a potty break before we even began. Once we did start to ski Cian was fine as long as I was right there in case he needed help. He would go up a flat belt like thingy and then he would ski down a small hill. I think he really would have had a blast if we had been able to start out earlier. It was fun to do a new thing though. I have a lot of anxiety when we go places and do things that we have never been before. So I am glad that this new experience is over and the next time we go it should be a lot less stressful. I think we will wait for another year so that Cian will be a little older and we will go on a day that is not 17 degrees and windy and we will go on our schedule! We had a great week though. Cian started his swim lessons back up. There are a lot more kids in his class this session and he has new teachers. They seem to be more playful which is good. We are already talking about Cian's birthday next month. He wants a Ben 10 party. So if you have any ideas...send them my way.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The week that barely started.

We went back to school this week which was hard in and of itself. Getting everything organized and getting my mind in gear was way too hard. It was so fun to have Kevin home with us for almost two weeks. We loosely contemplated running away and "living the land" and then quickly decided that the idea is great(always being together), but not having the easy life of walking into a store to buy your groceries and paying a heating bill instead of chopping your own was way to hard. It would take the fun out of being home together all the time. Anyhow we went back to work on Monday and Tuesday, we had a snow day on Wednesday, went to school on Thursday and then I stayed home to take care of Cian and his sickies on Friday. So here I sit again on a Sunday night trying to get my mind on the right track again and hoping for a straight forward week ahead. I am glad that I love my job. While I am teaching I actually will have stray thoughts that go through my head in disbelief that I am LOVING what I am doing. How awesome is that?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fluffy Gets A New Friend!

We are watching Miss Tweety from school for the remainder of vacation and Fluffy does not know what to do with himself. We got Fluffy last November(2007) and he has been the best cat I have ever had. He is so friendly and patient with Cian. He would be perfect except for the shedding. His name is Fluffy for a good reason. He used to be an indoor/outdoor cat and he loved chasing birdies. Unfortunetly, he had to become a indoor cat after someone shot him with a pellet gun(we still don't know who). He has so missed the outside. We weren't sure how he would react with a bird in the house. He has not left the side of the cage. It is so funny to watch. the bird is not afraid at all. She provokes him actually. What a hoot.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Goodbye 2008!!!! Wow. This was a hard year for us and we are glad to see it go. We look forward to a fresh start in 2009. Cian has been very interested in "the years" lately. He has been wanting to know when it was going to be 2009 for about a month. I am sure they have been talking about it at school. He has been asking questions like, "What happened in 2005?" or "When will it be 2010?". It has been fun to answer his little questions with the events that have happened before. This year as with all the years prior, Cian has not been able to stay awake for New Years. I was going to let him if he wanted to, but at 8:30 he asked if it was bed time yet. He usually goes to bed at 7:00 so it was already late for him. We were over at Grandma Doyle's, so I took him upstairs to go to bed. After getting in PJ's, going potty and brushing teeth I laid down with him and snuggled up tight. I was content to just hold him for a little while seeing as though we were not at our house but then he says, "Why are you not going back downstairs?". My big boy didn't want to snuggle with me. I was crushed. I asked, "Are you sure you will be okay?". To which he answered, "Yup". So I left and he was fine. I was happy and sad at the same time. Where is my little boy going to. In the morning when he woke up I said, "Happy New Year!". I told him it was now 2009. Cian immediately said, "When will it be 2010?". I had to laugh!

In the New Year I will work on: (1)Preparing most meals at home....With my cooking skills and busy schedule, we went out to eat way too often in 2008. (2) Enjoying Cian for who he is and not worrying if he is growing up "normal".....I think not having any brothers has left me not knowing whether certain behaviors are normal for boys (i.e. potty talk). I just have to RELAX!