Saturday, December 26, 2009

It's The Most Wonderful Time of The Year!

"Cian's Manger Scene"

We had a great Christmas this year! It is so fun to have Cian and see his excitement for all of the fun things we were excited for as kids too! We were able to spend a lot of time with family over the last week and managed to get all of our Christmas "chores" done early so it really did feel stress free. Cian made the above Nativity scene all by himself. Kevin made the wall parts with Cian a couple of weeks ago for a project. Cian found that and then made a manger with wood and made the people which he taped to paint bottles so they would stand up. We were so surprised to find this in the basement after Cian went to bed. We thought it looked like a manger scene and we asked Cian the next morning what it was and he confirmed it. How cute!

"Uncle Greggy~Soon to be deploying to Afghanistan"

We spent time at the Doyle's and at the Clarke's on Christmas Eve. For some reason I did not get pics at my mom's. We had a great time there though. I love spending time with my Mom! Next we went to Doyle's and they had a houseful. (The pic below shows almost all of the family that was there, believe it or not about 6 people that were there are not in the pic) Cian loved having most of his Cousins there. What a fun Christmas Eve!

Kamry and Anna...It was so fun to see Brian and Rebecca's girls together again. For so long they were the only cousins in the family. Now they live on seperate coasts and don't see each
other very often. We did not get a pic of Jordy and Mikayla for some reason!
Kevin's sister Gabrielle came home for a visit. It was so good to see her again!

Austin, Kyler and Mary! Lots of fun!!!!

We were able to be home for Christmas morning this year. Cian had a blast opening presents. He is so excited to give some of his old toys to Grandma Doyle for his little cousins to play with.
We are proud of him for being willing to share so well!
Cian got a punching bag for Christmas.....At first the punching bag was winning LOL.

Cian finally got the knack!

Even Fluffy got in on the action!

Cian's most Favorite Gift was this snow board. After coming down the stairs he found this first. He was sooooo excited!

We don't have snow yet to use it......Isn't that always the case on Christmas!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Erin~ I love seeing the pictures from Christmas! I was so glad the girls got to see the Milne girls again! it is always nice seeing them together! I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas!