Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Birthday!

I turned 32 on Friday. 32 was not as hard as 31 or 30. I guess I am getting used to the 30 thing. We had a great day. Cian woke me up in the morning. He came to the side of the bed and the first thing he said was "Wake up snugglebug". He says this every morning. Then he says, "Happy Birthday mom!". I was shocked that he had remembered with out any help. It was so sweet. Kevin had already left for work so we got ready and went to school ourselves. Kevin picked Cian up from school at lunch time so that they could do some present hunting and boy stuff at home. After work I went and got my haircut as seen above. Then we went out to eat at Outback with Nicole(Kyle was out of town for work). It was a great day. Everything went so nice and I was able to pamper myself with a hair cut and then spend sometime with my boys too. No, 32 is not so bad when you are able to spend your days with people whom you can't imagine spending your days without!


rlmquest said...

Erin you look gorgeous!!!!! 32 looks really good on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LindseySoren said...

I love the hair cut! Gorgeous!