Monday, November 23, 2009

Things that make me happy!

My Boys!

Cian's true belief in Santa!

Kevin's brown eyes!

Holiday music playing on the radio!



Cool Fabric!


So Soft anything!

"I love you Mommy!", from my little boys mouth!

Hot Days!

Holding hands!

Dim Lights!

My bathrobe and sweats!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Well I think Cian had the H1N1 virus. I know that sounds strange, but we were expecting the worst and it wasn't so bad. Cian came home from school on Thursday with a headache that he said was hurting him all day and he had a cough. (The nurse didn't call us...should I write a note about that?) I took his temperature and he had a slight fever. We gave him some Tylenol and put him to bed at his regular time. At 3:30 he woke us up because the night was too long :-(. His fever was now 101. More Tylenol. He stays home from school with Kevin and lays on the couch and sleeps all day. Kevin brings hime to the doctor at 2:00 and they put him on Tamiflu immediately. The doctor said she was certain it was the beginning of the virus. I guess the waiting room was packed with kids. We continued with the Tylenol, Tamiflu and an antibiotic for his cough (he gets bronchitis easy) and by Saturday afternnoon...... Cian was back! We wondered if he actually had the flu or if Tamiflu was a miracle drug. His recovery was amazing. He still has a cough, but no fever and boy did he have cabin fever by Sunday night!

The Doctor said no trick or treating! We were so bummed. Halloween is Cian's favorite time of year. He has been decorating since September and playing scary tricks on us. He has helped to make a scary ghost costume and has been wearing it for days! He missed his Halloween party at school. He was so upset. So we dressed him up warmly, put on his costume (it covered his face and hands) and let him visit our neighbor's houses. We were the first ones out. Luckily, Cian didn't say anything when we said it was time to go home so soon. We snuggled up on the couch and watched Monster House and then off to bed! Everything turned out all right after all!