Saturday, May 30, 2009

Young Authors Night at Barnes and Noble

This past Thursday Cian had Young Authors Night at B and N for our school. It was a lot of fun and very interesting to hear all the children's personalities come out in their stories. Cian was no exception. He was his lively self and the crowd got quite a kick out of him. His teacher typed up his story verbatim and then he drew a picture to go with it. That night he read it to a crowd of about 100 people. I had organized the event so I could not see it from the audience, but Kevin was able to record it on our camera. Here is the clip. (If anyone is going to make an online purchase at Barnes and Noble by Monday 6/1...please use our Bookfair fundraiser code: 549055. Thanks!)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cian is Growing Up!

We went to our school districts Kindergarten Jumpstart on Thursday. It started at 5:30 and didn't get over until quarter to eight. Cian goes to bed at 7:00, so this was late for us. We met all the teachers and some of the staff that Cian might come in contact with. He went through a "day" in the life of a Kindergarter. We switched classrooms and did different activities in each. Cian's favorite class was gym, of course. It was good for us to get a chance to see the school and get a feel for the other children that will be there. I taught Kindergarten for four years before Cian as born and now that he is going to be a Kindergartener, I am not sure how I feel about it. The children that I taught seemed so old and capable. My little baby is now one of them. Oh, how time flies! Kevin and I are confident that he is going to do great. He is really social and not shy at all. This is an area that I had trouble with as a child. He is ready academically. He is ready behaviorally. I guess that the one who is not ready is me!!! We go back on this Thursday morning for Cian's actual registration and screening, so we can get a look at the building in session. Next year will certaintly be a big change for us.

(Bandaid on Cian's arm is from his five year old shots he got on Wednesday. He got four in total. He was so brave....He still won't let us take the bandaids off!)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Brother In-Law's New Book

Kevin's Sister's Husband's second book has just come out. While in Rochester this weekend we went with Kevin's mom to Borders to buy a copy. For anyone who is looking for a great gift for Father's Day next month... consider this book. The book's title is The Nine Lessons, by Kevin Alan Milne. We will be buying our copy at the end of the month. (We have a fundraiser for school at Barnes and Noble and are saving all of our book purchases for that night.) I will be sure to tell you my opinion of the book then.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mom...You can do better than that!

Oh boy! We sure have a bossy little guy on our hands these days. As I have said a hundred times in the past, this is just a passing phase. ( I hope) I always go back to a favorite report card comment helper that gives you positive things to say about not so positive behaviors. For example... Cian's bossiness just means that he is a born leader! :-) Let's hope that is true. Cian goes to bed fairly early according to other mom's I talk to. We generally start our bedtime routine at 6:45 and try to finish by 7:15. This is good for him because he does not nap and needs about 11 or 12 hours of sleep each night. However, now with the sun staying up later and later Cian has caught on that it is still light outside. The shades are always drawn and they let no light in, yet he can look out the window from the end of his bed by pulling back the curtain. The other night we put Cian to bed as normal and usually we don't hear a peep from him until the next morning, but this night we were running in his room every couple of minutes to take care of something or to explain why it is bed time and light outside at the same time. Finally, Kevin and I told Cian to "go to bed!" After which he addressed me and said, "Mom, You can do better than that." This was said in a totally supportive way as if I was giving up and needed a pat on the back. Kevin and I could not control our laughter and Cian heard us which created a whole other conversation. I don't think we have ever said this to him, so he must have heard it at school. I hope it was said in a positive manner to him too! We love Cian so much even if he tries to rule the roost occasionally!

Don't worry be happy!